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One World Religion – Fact or Fiction?

Why are those in the Pulpit not warning their flock?

It is an amazing and tragic fact that we seldom if ever hear warnings against apostasy from our pulpits. It is a rare occasion if one hears about the false teachers who are seducing thousands and leading them from the true faith.

Paul in Acts 20:29-31 warned the early church of the danger of false teachers “I know that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock. Even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw a following. Watch out! … “(NLT)

Please note, it says “from your own group” or “from among yourselves men will rise up” (NKJV). In other words, from within the church! This is more deadly than attacks from outside the church. Why? Because these people defecting from within the church (especially leaders), are twisting and distorting the truth for their own evil ends. This is happening at an alarming rate – indicative of the things that will happen as the return of the Lord for His Church draws very close.

The fact that so many of these “so-called evangelical leaders” are encouraging working together with the Roman Catholic church and other religions, is very disturbing indeed. They appear to be unaware of the Vatican’s strategy for bringing the world under the dominion of the papacy.

The role of the World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches (WCC), has confirmed on many occasions and at different times, that it is promoting the establishment of a one world religion as one of the main pillars of a one world government or New World Order. They have stated that there are two things needed to form a one world religion, viz.

  • that the unique revelation given by God through Jesus Christ and hitherto preserved, should be destroyed and …

  • practices and concepts from other religions must be introduced into the Christian faith in order to merge them. This has been actively pursued as far back as 1991 (if not much earlier).

The Role of the Pope in establishing a One World Religion And just in case you haven’t noticed, the Pope is really pushing for a One-World Religion. I will be discussing this aspect in more details in a future post. However, it is worth taking note that the danger of this push (along with related issues), is intensifying and many highly visible and influential Christians are sliding over onto the “Vatican’s ecumenical bandwagon”.(1) So rather than warning believers and teaching them that this “false unity” (because that is what it is!) is in actual fact the emerging apostate church that the Bible warns us about in no uncertain terms, we are seeing these evangelical leaders, rather than preaching the Truth of God’s Word, embracing and actually welcoming those who are orchestrating this heinous deception!

Many years ago now (January 2003), Time Europe published an article explaining why Germany’s convents and monasteries are marketing themselves as New Age spiritual retreats for paying customers. Catholic monasteries are opening businesses (albeit to raise funds) to provide wellness and meditation centres. They encourage people of all faiths to visit the centres. Certain of the centres offer a variety of Zen, qigong (Chinese exercise & meditation), tai chi classes as well as Christian contemplation. The reason? They feel that Eastern wisdom and Christianity go well together… !! What we are seeing here is part of merging the “religions”.

The Parliament of World Religions and the United Nations

Many meetings have taken place over the years, including The Parliament of World Religions – The Global Interfaith Movement. Thousands of spiritual leaders representing all religions gather.

For so many years now, much emphasis has been placed on having a multi-faith approach to “religion”. Accommodation and compromise being the operative words. Perhaps what people do not realize is this: merging all religions, does not mean mixing and merging the traditionally “accepted” religions. No, it is far more radical than that. Multi-faith includes the whole spectrum of so-called faiths, namely anything from the Catholic faith to occultism and ancestral worship. Those who worship the “earth”, according to the New World Order’s philosophy, should be equal to those who worship the True God. This, just by the way, is totally unthinkable for any one who has met the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. There is no comparison and the thought of merging religions that serve someone or something other than the only True and Living God is forbidden. “Thou shalt worship the Lord God and Him only shalt thou worship.” (Luke 4:8)

Compromise of this type will ultimately (in the not too distant future either!) bring down the wrath of God in all its fullness on those who worship any other god other than the God of Heaven and Earth, the God of the Bible.

The Tower of Babel and the European Community

Some years ago a picture was published on a weekly international news publication’s cover which depicted the European Community’s poster showing the building (re-building) of the Tower of Babel. The poster depicts the erection of a tower, already at an advanced stage, reaching up towards the stars symbolizing the European Community (EC).

The thought crosses the mind – is this a conscious attempt at reversing God’s Judgement on the builders of the Tower of Babel? Why?

The quotation on the front cover states: “Europe : many tongues, one voice”. Not only does this illustrate that man can overcome the handicap of many languages by speaking with one voice, it sends the message of a “oneness” in keeping with the One World Government, One World Economic Order and One World Religion.

In 2011 there was a very popular song by Charlie Skarbek, made famous during the Rugby World Cup … A World in Union. That didn’t become popular by chance … look at the 2nd and 4th verses:

“Gathering together One mind, one heart Every creed, every color Once joined, never apart.

It’s the world in union The world as one As we climb to reach our destiny A new age has begun”

In the face of this global strategy, what are we as Christ- followers to do?

Contend for the Faith once Entrusted to the saints – the true followers of Christ If one seriously studies what is happening around the world – everything is aiming at working together as one.

  • Congregations are being encouraged to put aside the differences, build on the similarities.

  • God’s standard for living is being brushed aside.

  • God’s plan of salvation is being ignored – it is seen as being too exclusive. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me”(John 14:6) There is NO other way to God.

How tragic that people generally seem to believe the lie rather than the truth.

Men and women of God have been prepared to die for the Truth. Now “ministers”/clergy are calling for the exact opposite. “Let us break down the barriers, let us unite ….” – may God have mercy on those who are prepared to tarnish the Truth with error – error that will lead souls of men and women to a lost eternity.

Now is the time for Christians, those who have put their trust in the Living God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Saviour, to hold on to the Truth and to share the Truth with others while there is yet time. Now is the time for Believers to preach the Word and fight for its preservation … ALL of Scripture.

As we await the imminent return of the Lord Jesus, Christians need to “contend for the faith that was once entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).

(1) "The Pope's Push for a One-World Religion" by

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