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Start the New Year in His Word

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

Have you ever read through the whole Bible?

Even if you have, ...

Why not join the challenge to read through the Bible systematically in one year?

The best way to follow Christ into the new year is to read His Word daily and prayerfully.

As 2018 ends, let's make it a goal to read and meditate upon God's Word every day of 2019.

Join the challenge and you will receive the following:

  • A Monthly Bible Reading Guide with portions of Scripture to read every day.

  • Weekly short Devotional based on the readings during the previous week.

  • An encouraging verse every weekday coming to you in your inbox

  • A Bible Reading Certificate will be issued to those who wish to receive one. For those who wish to receive a certificate at the end of the programme, you will be sent a special bookmark which you can download & return to us on completion.

Start the New Year in His Word and reap eternal rewards.

To grow closer to Jesus, we need to get to know Him better. To know Him better, we need to read His Word and gain strength day by day.

GET STARTED TODAY! CLICK ON SUBSCRIBE to fill in your name & email address & keep an eye open for an email to the address you've provided for us.

Every blessing

Day Ashton

Bible Reading Co-ordinator

Through the Bible in a Year


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